Assalamualaikum, well HELLOOO there world !
It's been a long time since my last post. Cubalah tengok, post terakhir aku time raya dulu kot sebelum aku start sibuk dengan SPM.
But, from now on, SPM IS OVER ! Muahaha >.<
Me : SPM, you're the dead meat now !
SPM : Really ? I'm glad to hear that.
Me : Huh ? Why don't you feel sad ?
SPM : Because I will no longer to see your gloomy faces.
It's been a long time since my last post. Cubalah tengok, post terakhir aku time raya dulu kot sebelum aku start sibuk dengan SPM.
But, from now on, SPM IS OVER ! Muahaha >.<
Me : SPM, you're the dead meat now !
SPM : Really ? I'm glad to hear that.
Me : Huh ? Why don't you feel sad ?
SPM : Because I will no longer to see your gloomy faces.
Cheerfulness on the last day of SPM !
SPM : See ?
Me : Ngee :3
Juga, pada tarikh 13 Disember 2011 merupakan hari terakhir kita orang beruniform purple. Kawan kawan semua pakat lepas lega sebab tak payah dah nak pakai baju purple 'kesukaan' dia orang. But, not for me :/ Aku sukaa apa pakai uniform. Best. Betul, tak tipu. *Sebab aku nampak more kurus than usual. Hhaha :P*
Imtinan girls, thanks for being mine.
I'll miss you a lot.